Contact Lenses in Woodbridge

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Soft Contact Lenses

There are many different types of contact lenses, but soft lenses are some of the most popular. Soft lenses are relatively comfortable and easy to adjust to because they are made from hydrogel plastic. This type of plastic allows a good flow of oxygen, which helps maintain the cornea’s health.

Soft lenses come in many styles:

Daily wear

Contact lenses are meant to be worn during the day and removed before you go to bed. They are also generally disposable, with various styles replaceable daily, weekly, or monthly.

Contact lenses are designed to be worn continuously, day and night. Many styles can be worn up to a month but removed at least once a week to be cleaned.

Contact lenses are designed to correct vision for those with astigmatism. These soft lenses are also available as disposable or extended wear lenses.

Rigid Gas-Permeable Contact Lenses

Rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses are more durable than soft contact lenses. And although they take a bit longer to adjust to, they can provide clearer, crisper vision and allow more oxygen to the cornea than soft lenses do.

RGP lenses are designed to be removed before bed, but they also come in extended wear options that can be worn continuously for 30 days. The major benefit to RGP lenses is that if your prescription remains constant, they can last for up to 3 years.

Specialty Contact Lenses

Specialty contact lenses are customized lenses designed to correct specific eye conditions. At My Eyes Optical, we specialize in fitting specialty lenses for hard-to-fit eyes.

Specialty lenses come in many styles, including:

Combine soft and RGP materials. Hybrid lenses have RGP centres with a soft outer ring. They are designed to be more comfortable to wear than RGP lenses and can correct astigmatism, presbyopia, and keratoconus.

Contact multiple prescriptions in one lens and are designed to correct vision at various distances. They are ideal for those with presbyopia in conjunction with other refractive errors.

Are a type of RGP lens that vaults over the eye and sits on the sclera (whites of the eyes). They create a smooth, domed ocular surface to correct corneal irregularities and ocular surface conditions.

Are shaped differently from traditional contact lenses and are designed to correct vision for astigmatism.

Orthokeratology Contact Lenses

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) lenses are customized, specially-designed RGP contact lenses used to correct myopia and slow its progression.

Myopia (nearsightedness) is the most common refractive error that makes distant objects appear out of focus. Myopia can also lead to visual impairment, increase the risk for ocular comorbidities, and compromise quality of life, making it a significant public health issue.

Children generally wear Ortho-K lenses to slow myopia’s progression while the eyes are still growing. These specialty lenses are worn overnight and are designed to flatten the cornea to provide clear vision during the day without a need for corrective lenses.

If you have questions about any contact lenses we carry, please call us any time. You can also book a comprehensive contact lens exam and fitting and start your journey to contact lens wear today!

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Our Location

Wanna see what we’re all about?

We are located right inside the 5451 Highway 7 shopping area, with ample parking and accessibility-friendly options available.

Our Address

5451 Hwy 7 unit #4
Woodbridge, ON L4L 0B2



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