About My Eyes Optical

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A Passion for
Eyewear & Eye Care

Beautiful eyewear is our passion, and we aim to deliver a style that compliments your unique look.

But our work doesn’t stop there. With our comprehensive eye care services, we ensure you are matched with eyewear products that suit your everyday needs. From eye exams for all ages to specialty services like eye disease management and dry eye therapy, our team will go the distance to provide you with solutions you can depend on.

Are you looking to start your journey towards clearer vision? Call us today to book your appointment!

From Tragedy to Triumph: A Message from Our Founder

At the age of 19, I was in a motorcycle accident.

I was hit by a car, running me over and damaging my visor. The shards of the visor penetrated my eyes, and I was told that I would possibly lose my sight before I turned 25. It was an extremely scary time because I knew our eyes are a huge part of our lives.

However, I was lucky because I had a family that cared and supported me. I got to do some travelling and see as many different places as possible, but my parents never gave up. Eventually, they found the help I needed. Over the years, I’ve had 5 surgeries and, at the young age of 53, I still have my sight! I get a good laugh when anyone looks at my eyes through a slit lamp, as their first words are always “WOW!” I always respond with, “Looks like the moon with craters, doesn’t it?” And they usually respond with, “Oh yeah, that’s exactly it.”

People always ask me why I chose Optical as my career path, and my answer to them is how it makes me feel when I’ve helped someone.

I’ve had many memorable moments at the stores, and one that stands out the most happened just about a year ago.
I had a new mother and father come in with their baby girl. She was only 6 months old and had a fairly heavy prescription. We fitted her with cute little pink frames, and I even got to edge the lenses for them. When her parents came in to pick up her glasses, I put the frames on her little face while being held in her mother’s arms.

It was a magical moment; when the little girl focused and looked up at her mother through her new glasses, it was like she was seeing her mom clearly for the first time, and she gave the biggest smile ever. It brought tears to all our eyes.

The parents are now regular customers of mine as well as this little angel. We have many kids coming to our office, and it’s incredible to see them grow year after year.

The work I do is a privilege, and seeing how my work improves others’ lives brings me a joy I can never truly describe in words. It’s experiences like these that help me do what I love to do, and there is always another chance to do something right for someone else.

I opened My Eyes Optical to help serve those who need it most, and when you come in looking for clearer vision, that is precisely what I’m going to aim to provide. Find the help you deserve and choose My Eyes Optical.

– Carlos Pacheco

Our Team

Carlos Pacheco

Founder & Optician


Dr. Shreya Patel


Our Services

Our Location

Wanna see what we’re all about?

We are located right inside the 5451 Highway 7 shopping area, with ample parking and accessibility-friendly options available.

Our Address

5451 Hwy 7 unit #4
Woodbridge, ON L4L 0B2



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